Six out of 7 beings in this house are bitching/b like crazy. Paul asked the doctor and she thought it was either fleas or eczema. Our dog JLo has been to the vet 4 times and to two different one's. They aren't sure what's up either, ... We need to relax because neither of us can ask off for any bvacation/b beginning next month through July so that we can go to Infinitus in Orlando. Paul's illness has already put him behind a day so I had to shave a day off our planned trip and ...
Hinter der Ortschaft Aigen geht es über Irching und [[Egglfing]] Richtung Osten zurück zur Johannesbad Therme in Bad Füssing. Beim Marathon sind zwei Runden zu laufen. Beim Halbmarathon wird nur eine Runde gelaufen. == Statistiken == ...
Like Americans, Estonians came to think that they deserved to drive the most expensive cars and could afford the most ambitious renovation projects or vacations. I mean, they had been stuck in the post-Soviet economic toilet for so long ...